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Under A Rock

heatmapping Aug 07, 2019

Ummmm....have I been living under a rock? 🤣

I don't know about you, but Google Analytics and trying to understand those darn reports ain't really my, it's a little bit boring!

So, while my Google Analytics is integrated on Kajabi, I am now using a FREE tool called Hotjar to track exactly what visitors to my website are doing.

If you've never heard of it, you HAVE to watch the video. Honestly, this one little thing is going to blow your mind with the possibilities!! 

What drove me to HotJar in the first place was that I wondered whether or not people actually made it to my "About" page or if most of that information should in fact live on my homepage. In 24 hours and 38 website views I had my answer!

The features I love most? 

1) Being able to instantly see how many clicks each button on my website received

2) Being able to see what percentage of people scrolled halfway down the homepage or in some cases read all the way to the bottom (thank you, if that was you!)

3) Being able to see what country all my website visitors were from! LOVE that! Hello Colombia!! 

4) Being able to see how long each individual person stayed on my website and watch a video replay of exactly what they did! OMG!

The tool is totally free if you're receiving less than 2,000 visitors a day, but warning, addiction may occur 🤣

I'm sure it does a whole lot more than what I covered in this video....go have a play!

If you'd like a weekly dose of my 5 Minute tutes then jump on the list further down 👇👇👇

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